Posted by: ontheballk9trng | October 24, 2008

Working on “place”

   Place is a valuable command to teach your dog.  When you are eating dinner and don’t want your dog next to the table, you can send them to their “place”.  If someone comes to the door and your dog wants to always greet them, you can send them to their “place”. If you want to have a relaxing evening watching a movie without your dog on your lap, you can have them lay down on their “place”. 

Check out these dogs working on “place”.    Dogs on \”place\” 

Wanna teach your dog “place”?  Contact us for a FREE demonstration and evaluation with YOUR dog to get started!!


  1. how funny you should post on “place” i’m still working with harley on it. we’re having quite the time with it! he gets it 1x out of 6x! i’m greatful for the 1x though! we’ll keep working!

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